Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Butter by Erin Jade Lange in my opinion was a very tough read for me. I found the book to be very annoying as in the beginning we felt pity for our main character, Marshall AKA Butter, but as the story progresses we learn to hate him. The book was tough for me to read because the story line was very bizarre. The whole idea of someone feeling so bad about themselves to a point where they want to eat themselves alive. I also found it very intriguing of how Butter judged everyone else so hard, but was secretly trying to build a relationship on lies, pretending to be someone else. The book just was not for me, it took me way beyond my comfort zone, and I did not enjoy it. The whole time while reading I kept trying to get into the book, and then I finished and was disappointed with the conclusion. I expected a more morbid and drastic ending, but instead got a happy fairy tale, everyone and everything is okay type ending. I would not recommend this to anyone, and was very unhappy with the selection.

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